Full Circle

Life lately has been sending me all of the full circle moments, and I am so here for every single one of them.

Christiana & I met about a year ago. She is a photography hobbyist herself, with a love for nature & birds. When I started getting more serious about portraits, I decided to sell the higher aperture lenses that weren't going to serve me, and she actually bought one of them! We got to talking, and before long she followed me on instagram and I followed her back. I'm pretty sure I joked "hit me up when your boyfriend proposes!" Fast forward - she actually did just that. She really wanted photos at the Capitol, which is by far, my favorite place to shoot. She also wanted some bar photos, and some classic photos in a field, and she purchased my deluxe package for the roll of film it includes.

(a few film photos below:)

This session did NOT disappoint. We had a blast, from the Capitol, to the Library Bar on 6th St, and back to the Capitol again, where we made it JUST in time to still get some photos before the sun set! We were honestly all so surprised how everything just went so smoothly, even with a few hiccups & technical difficulties.

I'm currently still editing this session, but I cannot wait to finish it - because oh man was this a great way to start off the new year!

More to come from this one soon :)